
Details for Hitomi's birthday event!

Soan finally posted details about the Birthday-event, which Hitomi talked about earlier, when he hijacked Soan's and Zill's blogs!

Here are the details:

KAIJINTACHI NO SHANIKUSAI ("Carnival of the mysterious people")

March, 30th 2010 (Tuesday)
at Takadanobaba Area
Doors open at 18:30
Show starts at 19:00

Tickets are 3000 Yen when bought in advance, 3500 Yen at the door
Drinks will requie an extra charge of 500 Yen.

Paricipants are
Hitomi (Moran)
Zill (Moran)
Soan (Moran)
aie (the studs)
Koto (ex. sugar)
Sae (ex. BABYLON)
Ryouichi (ex. BABYLON)
Aoyama Taizan (Chellist)
and more....

The ticket agency ("play guide") is going to be announced on February, 13th.

You can preorder the tickets at Lawson's: L-Code 76953
There's a limitation of tickets to 4 tickets per person.

Hopefully we will get to know, who else is going to participate!



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